The Law and You – 22nd March 2022

22 March, 2022
Estate Planning, Estate Administration and Disputes, Trusts and SuperannuationThe Law and YouEach week John Fradgley of Bell Legal Group presents a radio phone-in show on Gold Coast’s Community Radio Station 4CRB called ‘The Law and You’ where listeners call in and ask John their questions about a wide range of legal issues.
You can listen to the show from 22nd March 2022 here:
- How can you go about retrieving your original Will from The Public Trustee;
- High praise for Veronica Aletti of the Bell Legal Group Conveyancing Team;
- What can you do when you no longer wish The Public Trustee to have your Power of Attorney and your spouse has been diagnosed with dementia in circumstances where you have no alternate Attorneys;
- General discussion on how long it should take to finalise the administration of an Estate in New South Wales;
- Do you have any rights against medical staff at a hospital if they have failed to tell you that your spouse has dementia;
- How long do you have to enforce a judgment obtained in Victoria.
Please note the topics discussed in this radio show are general in nature. None of the comments made by the presenter constitute legal advice and nor should they be taken as such. If you have a legal query and would like advice or assistance, please call us on 07 5597 3366 or complete the ‘Contact Us‘ form below.</e m>