The Law and You – 8th September 2020

8 September, 2020
Capital Gains TaxEstate Planning, Estate Administration and Disputes, Trusts and SuperannuationThe Law and YouEach week John Fradgley of Bell Legal Group presents a radio phone-in show on Gold Coast’s Community Radio Station 4CRB called ‘The Law and You’ where listeners call in and ask John their questions about a wide range of legal issues.
You can listen to the show from 8th September 2020 here:
Topics discussed in this episode include:
- What possible Capital Gains Tax is payable on death if you have rented a property for 3 years and then live in it for 17 years and what is the best way to transfer the property to your surviving spouse;
- Can adopted children contest the Will of their biological parents even after they have been adopted;
- If you already have a principal place of residence, can you purchase a seaside property or apartment that may become your principal place of residence;
- Is tax payable on a superannuation pension account when you die;
- What steps should you take if a terminally ill partner wishes to die at home;
- What can a parent do to ensure an infant child is cared for by the best possible carer following the death of the parent where the other biological parent is unfit to act in that capacity.
Please note the topics discussed in this radio show are general in nature. None of the comments made by the presenter constitute legal advice and nor should they be taken as such. If you have a legal query and would like advice or assistance, please call us on 07 5597 3366 or complete the ‘Contact Us‘ form below.