The Law and You – 10th November 2020

10 November, 2020
Estate Planning, Estate Administration and Disputes, Trusts and SuperannuationFamily LawPower of AttorneyThe Law and YouEach week John Fradgley of Bell Legal Group presents a radio phone-in show on Gold Coast’s Community Radio Station 4CRB called ‘The Law and You’ where listeners call in and ask John their questions about a wide range of legal issues.
You can listen to the show from 10th November 2020 here:
Topics discussed in this episode include:
- Does the new Enduring Power of Attorney legislation commencing on 30 November 2020 invalidate current Enduring Powers of Attorney and what wording can you use to remove the current Executors of your Will and insert new Executors;
- What steps need to be taken when your spouse passes away and all assets are held as joint tenants. In particular do you need to obtain Probate and do you need to notify organisations such as the Electoral Roll, Medicare, etc.;
- What can you do when the Executor (who is a sibling) is not co-operating with the other members of the family in relation to your late parents funeral wishes and the distribution of the Estate generally;
- Will an existing Enduring Power of Attorney be invalidated by the new Enduring Power of Attorney legislation;
- If you have four children and eight grandchildren but want to leave assets to your grandchildren in Trusts that don’t take effect until an older age, what is the best way of doing this;
- Do you need your children present if you intend to make them the Executors of your Will when making a new Will;
- Is an existing Advance Health Directive invalidated by the new Power of Attorney legislation and if not what are the circumstances in which it might be;
- How quickly can a property settlement be finalised after a couple decide to separate;
- If you live in a relocatable home park and there is a retaining wall at the rear of the land on which your relocatable home is located, who is responsible for replacing the retaining wall;
- Reconfirming that existing Enduring Powers of Attorney which have been validly prepared will not be invalidated by the new legislation commencing in Queensland on 30 November 2020.
Please note the topics discussed in this radio show are general in nature. None of the comments made by the presenter constitute legal advice and nor should they be taken as such. If you have a legal query and would like advice or assistance, please call us on 07 5597 3366 or complete the ‘Contact Us‘ form below.