The Law and You – 15th September 2020

15 September, 2020
Class ActionEstate Planning, Estate Administration and Disputes, Trusts and SuperannuationFamily LawPower of AttorneyThe Law and YouEach week John Fradgley of Bell Legal Group presents a radio phone-in show on Gold Coast’s Community Radio Station 4CRB called ‘The Law and You’ where listeners call in and ask John their questions about a wide range of legal issues.
You can listen to the show from 15th September 2020 here:
Topics discussed in this episode include:
- How can you protect yourself from any possible adverse consequences if you are thinking about participating in a class action;
- What is the amount of income you can earn as a Pensioner before you pay tax;
- Do you need to make a new Power of Attorney in Queensland if you previously lived in New South Wales;
- What are the circumstances in which a de facto relationship is brought into existence and what likelihood is there for one party to that relationship to be able to claim assets if the relationship breaks down;
- What can you do if an Executor refuses or unnecessarily delays in taking action to administer an Estate.
Please note the topics discussed in this radio show are general in nature. None of the comments made by the presenter constitute legal advice and nor should they be taken as such. If you have a legal query and would like advice or assistance, please call us on 07 5597 3366 or complete the ‘Contact Us‘ form below.